- Registered Company Name: The Pyrenean Experience S.L.
- Fiscal Address: Calle San Salvador 3, Panticosa, (Huesca), Spain
- Contact Person: Christopher J. O’Sullivan
- Telephone: (0034) 650-292-268
- E-mail: info@thepyreneanexperience.com
- Tax Code: CIF B-2215865
- Travel Agency No.: Registered in Aragón, C.A.A 179
- Insurance Company: Estrella Seguros Policy No. RF520-000723
- Pre-payments: In accordance with the E.U normative, all pre-payments are guaranteed by Banco
Santander. The registered underwriting agreement can be consulted at Inscrito Especial de Avales.
Document No. 004928-4521-1000-48